Election Platform

My commitments should I get elected on May 14, 2012 include


I will:
  • be the most accessible city councilor of Fredericton ever
  • make sure operation of city business is open and transparent and that meetings and information are as accessible as possible by posting notices for meetings and relevant minutes on web,
  • listen and represent the residents of Ward 6 to the fullest of my capabilities, 
  • make my website a virtual gathering spot for residents for Ward 6 by posting regular video updates to inform constituents directly about goings-on at council and committee meetings, 
  • hold regular forums for residents of ward, 
  • respond to calls, emails, tweets in a professional and positive manner
  • investigate whether webcasts of council meetings are viable. [Democracy in action: these started becoming available at the April 10, 2012 Council meeting!!!]
I will also work together with others who are elected to council, constructively, but the #1 priority for me is to ensure that the voices of Ward 6 are respected.

And I will work together with other levels of government to make sure Fredericton’s voice is heard. 


I’d like to
  • build a stronger recycling program, including more bins for recyclable materials around city and especially downtown;
  • encourage residents to reduce garbage by increasing participation in recycling and composting through incentives;
  • prioritize the rezoning of Sunset U-pick to Open Green Space/Agriculture, and investigate more opportunities for maintaining green spaces (these spaces are NOT undeveloped);
  • help design a Fredericton that is more pedestrian-friendly;
  • strengthen our trail network and bike lanes;
  • encourage sustainability by initiating incentive programs, such as tax credits, to install low flush toilets or to buy bus passes;
  • support more community gardens;
  • improve the transit system to better serve the public;
  • investigate the possibility of partnering community gardens with the food bank and with shelters.
I am committed to making Fredericton more green and more sustainable. Some say we already have one of the greenest cities in Canada. I say we can still do better. The solutions are out there, and implementation can save us money in the long run. 

One major issue for many residents of the city is the provincial government's plan to go forward with shale gas development. Like many, I am concerned. I am not against development. But my thorough research does not convince me it is safe. And even if it is, the price we would get in return is at an all time low. It makes sense to wait for both these reasons. Though this is a provincial matter, I would support a resolution that calls for Fredericton to cooperate with other municipalities to protect our water by calling on the province to place a moratorium on development. 

Support for local culture and business

I believe the two most necessary investments we make as a community are into local businesses and local arts. Small- to medium-sized local businesses are responsible for the greater share of quality employment opportunities in our community, and investments in the arts are proven to multiply many times over, enriching not only our local economy but enriching our lives. These are smart investments.

Small businesses and local artists and art organizations need to be consulted. As an artist myself I have some a command on the issues, but I would urge the mayor to regularly meet with arts groups and I would attend as well.
  • I want to lead by example by supporting local businesses; do what I can to raise the profile of all local business, particularly ones in Ward 6; listen to their concerns and represent them at city council.
  • I want to be sure that there is secure and sustainable funding for arts, culture and heritage.

Long-Term Vision

This is where all the elements of my platform come together. 
  • I want to implement a Ward 6 Community committee, a community group that will focus on community issues. I would like this to meet every month to identify issues, work together, and find solutions. My vision would be that this group would be a go-to group for discussing the issues facing our ward, finding solutions, coordinating and planning events and recognition, and keeping people informed.
  • I'd like there to be more of a sense of planning for our ward. The city's Municipal Plan has exactly one sentence about Ward 6 in a 100+ page document... this is the blueprint for city planning and we should have a greater presence in the plan. I will fight for this.
  • I want to eliminate homelessness. The city of Calgary has lead the way with a strategy that has been revolutionary. The solution requires strong partnership with the province, and I am committed to working together to achieve this. I have lots of board experience where I worked with others and have helped build consensus.
  • I’d like to see sections of downtown closed to traffic so pedestrians can move more freely and safely, especially in summer. Parts of Queen street are routinely closed for festivals: why can't we do this more frequently to foster more walkability and a festival atmosphere? I would support any initiative that consulted with downtown residents and businesses to determine what would work best in developing a pilot project. 
  • I’d like Fredericton to host more big events. The 2011 Congress showed we can do big events. Let's aim even bigger. 

All of this can be accomplished while maintaining fiscal responsibility. I am committed to finding creative solutions to keep taxes from rising while improving services.